
sepanjang sem ni..
lame dah aq x upload artwork..
sangat bz dan ketidak tentuan masa..
maybe malam ini aq cuba masukkan beberape yang terbaik..


hati ini kadang kala resah..
tidak tenang..
pelbagai masalah aq harungi..
tp hati masih tidak senang..
lama begini...
aq mengerti..
jangan terlalu obses..
ia datang semulajadi..
aq sangat rindu..
rindu yang mendalam..
masa membunuh saat2 itu..
mungkin masa mahu aq menggunakan ia sebaiknya.
hati ini sakit secara tiba2..
sebab aq cemburu..
itu x perlu sebab aq perlu merelakan kebahagiaannya.,
aq sayang kan dia..
lebih dari segalanya yang aq punya..
aq cuma harap aq dihargai..
dan dia sangat menghargai aq..
terima kasih..


i wish to celebrate him birthday..
i wish he will appreciate me..
i wish he will be like my present..
i wish he will be happy..
i wish he know that i always here so he lonely in his birthday..
i wish he know that we will always being such a good friend..
we (andy & isz)..
wanna say, happy birthday buddy..
we try to make u happy in your own birthday..
thanks for accepting my present..
keep in occay :)

~biG Day~

he not my best friend..
but he was among the best..
always cool and had a hard time with smile..
it's so hard to see him down..
that why he is the great friend..
always get a dean for sure..
if u come closer to him, he just a ordinary guy..
but he have a lot of determination in his life..
here i wanna say that i proud having you as my friend..
tomorrow is your big day..
hope u enjoy it and keep my present occay :)

best buddy ERSHAD KAMARI

~sHUt mY MoutH~

i will shut my mouth just for you..
you are really different now...
not like sweet one a long time ago..
where are you??
the old of you..
where are be gone??
did you don't miss me??
even know you always in front of me..
it's like you never saw me either..
oh my God...
i really miss her...
so, i rather shut my mouth as her wish..


aq bukan saja terharu..
tapi aq bangga...
kau cemuh org..
kononnya kau terbaik..
walhal kau sering dihanjing...
non stop!!!
so, beli cermin banyak2..
x cukup aq boleh bagi..
aq muak da..
sampai yang bisu pon mampu berkata2..
kerana mulut lakhanat kau...
memang terbaik!!!